Memorandum for the Configuration of This Site

  • View the page by hugo server.
  • Adjust several parameters in config.toml 1 to make it look like you personal website.
  • The file controlling the header is themes/brutalist-minimalist/layouts/partials/nav-link.html.
  • The file controlling the copyright notice and footer is themes/brutalist-minimalist/layouts/partials/copyright-notice.html and obligatory-links.html in the same path.
  • All URL links to be converted by Hugo should be in contents; add document if necessary to generate a URL link of a folder.
  • Use latexml to convert a .tex file to a .html file directly:
latexml ref.bib --dest=ref.bib.xml
latexmlc main.tex --dest=mltest.html ref.bib.xml
  • Add “head” to the html file:
title = "Solutions and Numerical Solutions of Stochastic Differential Equations"
date = 2023-06-02
summary = "A simple introduction"
tags = ["hugo", "html"]
  • the value of parameter summary would be presented after title.
  • If you want to adjust the style of fonts, for example, delete the bold purpule font at the first letter, then you should adjust themes/brutalist-minimalist/static/css/beyond-minimalism.css.

  1. This has been changed to hugo.toml recently. ↩︎