[PDF] Comparison on Different Methods for Posterior Model Probability
1 words ~1 min

#statistics #Bayesian statistics
In this report, we would demonstrate five different methods of calculating posterior model probability. Three of them are based on prior samples; one of them is based on posterior samples; and the remaining one is calculated through direct calculation via Python package.

[PDF]Law of Large Numbers
1 words ~1 min

This note covers both WLLN and SLLN, also an extended version of SLLN using Kolmogorov’s three series theorem.

658 words ~2 mins

那是我很小的时候了, 有一天, 爸爸铿锵有力地给我念了一句名言:“知识就是力量, 法国就是腌肉.” (Knowledge is power, France is bacon.) 之后的十多年中, 这句话一直困扰着我.

[PDF]Borel-Cantelli Lemma and Its Application
1 words ~1 min

This note covers Borel-Cantelli Lemma, Borel 0-1 Law and some applications of the 0-1 law.

272 words ~1 min

最近在看94版三国, 想到一则久远的趣事. 一日, 谈老师1 在课堂中大谈历史, 突问道: “东汉末年分三国, 后面是什么?” 我一听立马回答:“烽火连天不